Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Puppy spoons!

During my worst time a couple years ago, while on a visit to my parents’ house, I decided I wanted a puppy. All of a sudden I felt like I needed something to keep me occupied and at the same time something that I HAD to take care of. So when we arrived home, we found a small breed dog for sale in the city nearby and she became Abby.
Abby became my constant shadow, and my ever-present source of snuggles and love. She is extremely intuitive about how I am feeling at any time of any day. I like to think she carries around extra spoons for me (puppy spoons) and she even helps me carry mine.
She has her own “perch” on my second desk, beside the window in my craft studio, and this is where you will find her when I am there also. Sometimes I find her their early in the morning, it’s like she watches the sun come up or something.
Abby makes me laugh till I cry, cry till I laugh, and generally boggles my mind. But in her infinite wisdom I suppose there must be a method to her madness. Such as why she tries to take my sock when I’m trying to put it on…Perhaps she knows that this will insight a round of playing and giggles.
When I am having a bad day, Abby has been known to attempt to carry my spoons for me. When I lay down to recharge, she will lay down beside me touching as much of me as she can. If I am having a really bad day, she will curl up around my head on the pillow. It’s as if she is willing me energy.
Abby has been very important to me in my day-to-day, getting-on-with-things life. And to those who will say that animals (dogs in particular) do not have a soul, I say: you’ve obviously never had an Abby.

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