Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Moving on with things...

I have decided to move on with things.  To let go of some things and to embrace others.  I will let go of the anger I have (with some people, not with all), I will embrace the new friends I have made.  I will attempt to let go of anxiety, and I will embrace new adventures.  I will let go of old habits, and embrace new healthier ones.

What has prompted me to begin this new adventure?  Well, hhmmm, I guess YOU!  My friends and family, new and old, in-person or online, my co-workers (whom I really adore!) and the children I get to work with.

Moving on entails a little bit more energy than you would think.  I will need to let go of some anger, impatience, and frustration.  And I will rely on my friends to help me achieve that.  I will need to let go of some terrible anxiety, and the children really help me with this, my own, and the ones I get to see at work.  I will also try and let go of some nasty old habits.  This will be the toughest I think.

Anger, impatience and frustration:  terrible emotions that get all stuck up in your head, they get in the way of so many things.  Anger at someone for not feeling the same way you do, impatience at my children for not doing things exactly the way I want them done.  Frustration at myself for not looking the way I used to.

Anxiety:  disabling feelings that put an immediate stop to any amount of moving forward.  Anxiety creeps up at the worst and most inopportune times.  I have vowed to stop letting it have that much control over me. 

Old habits:  nasty things they are.  How can you expect to move on when you're still doing the same things you have done for the past how many years?  MOVE ON!  Yes, that's right.  Time to try new things, develop new (healthier habits) and keep truckin'.

Here is how I plan to move on with my life:

First and foremost, I will let go of these terrible feelings.  I will do this by keeping a smile on my face, remembering that everyone is different and unique in their own ways, and I will remind myself to keep on track with what I want to accomplish.  Second, I will purge the old ways out of my life.  I am going to quit smoking, and get exercising (the latter being a wee bit difficult).  However if I can get into a slower schedule and build up to more rigorous exercise, this should be doable.  And lastly, I will get involved in things again, just not to the extreme that I was before.  Burn out has a terrible effect on people.  I will attempt to avoid that this time.

My first task is to become comfortable in my own skin again.  After all, how can I help my girls become self-confident individuals if I myself are not confident with who I am?  I am working on this as we speak.
I'll let you know how it's going in a few days...

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